Monday 22 December 2014

The Chillax Project

One late afternoon, as I was going home from work, I was thinking of something which led to a realisation: I tend to mostly  complain when I am with my husband.
And that: this is a result of me being easily worried about little things each day of my life.

Based on a lesson-full movie I recently watched (also a recall failure), when you are focused on things that you think may go wrong, you've really missed out on the bright side of your day. You mentally ignore the enjoyment; the opportunity to be happy; the chance to make people laugh! And so on...

You forget to be grateful to God.

And that's going to be my NEXT PROJECT: Be chilled. Be relaxed. Keep Calm. Let it go. Let it flow.

The Chillax Project

Tomorrow will be the last day of work before we get a four-day off! We are planning to leave for a Sydney road trip that night, God's Willing.
With any road trip, you'd be stuck with the same people in the car, for a long time.
So this is a GREAT opportunity for me to stay calm. Stay chill. Stay relaxed. Stay happy.

And this is my plan for the next 40 days.
Because they say you'll establish a new habbit after continuously doing certain behaviour for 40 days.

This could be my new year resolution!

I get the feeling that my days would be much more wonderful!

Keep positive.
In the name of God, my Lord of Mercy.

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