Tuesday 25 November 2014

GP Day Twelve

I've been doing the istikhara prayer - where you ask for help in deciding - these days. My topical issue is: should I quit? Or should I stay in this company.

I had to literally self-talk more to drag myself to work this morning. I stopped by the garden to refresh my mind a little, and I saw a group of mature-aged people doing tai-chi under the tree. I was keen to join them tomorrow - if I may!

I was supposed to be applying for jobs dilligently but the last few days had been quite full-on. Or, perhaps I haven't found an opening that really interests me..

Yesterday I thought maybe I just tend to be easily bored naturally and hence need to get a part-time job where I could do something else to add some dynamics into my days. But the openings I've seen seemed quite mind-numbing.

Then today my manager mentioned a plan to send me interstate for a two-day business trip for training purposes sometime next week.
I could not hide my shocked and excited face when I heard it.

Could this be a sign from You that asks me to hold on to my current job...?

Anyways, today I'd like to thank You for giving me the strength and commitment to cook my crunchy pasta after the morning prayer.
Thank You for the beautiful morning air and sights at the garden.
Thank You for showing me that I have plenty of friends - that my weeknights are filling up with catch-ups.

Please keep me close to You. Keep me in the gratitude circle. Protect me from negativity and despair..

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