Sunday 23 November 2014

GP Day Eleven

So today that feeling returned.

That I may need to quit this job.

Let me walk you through what's been happening recently.
Last weekend was full-on. Saturday I attended the Hikmahway lecture on Women Companions and I remember the teacher mentions how people work for long years just to pay for mortgage - where you could potentially use the money in better good deeds.

The next day it was the big farewel of MbD and that was my BIG TIME for showing off the video I've worked hard on during the last two weeks! Everybody loved it. As I expected.
So that was my discovered TALENT no.1.

The afternoon was accidentally spent in a church! I didn't know the singing competition was organised by a church (well. Duh!). So I had my turn performing Mandy Moore's "Only Hope" with shaky, yet still under control, voice.
The feedback was amazing! The lady said she could see my positive energy...that the song took them to another world..and that singing is truly a part of who I am...
Ok so that was my discovered TALENT no.2.

So you see. Today as I talk to these students, I had those questions again..
I want to do so much more but where do I find the time?
What am I doing for most of my lifetime?
Should I just...quit this?

I prayed to God to show me the way.

I'm grateful that amongst other things I still have a full-time job.
I'm grateful for the talents God has instilled in me - that benefits others.
I'm grateful to be married to a husband who doesn't ask for much; and who provides me financially.

So of all consideration, it should be easier for me (as compared to many others) to quit my job and find something more of my passion...right?

God please show me the way. I don't want to be rude and disregard Your blessings on me...but I'm also afraid I'm not using my full potential as You would like me to.

Please guide me...

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