Thursday 13 November 2014

GP Day Eight

Today's air was getting warmer. It was okay. I'm just a bit sniffy - and I'm hearing lots of other people in this train sneezing and coughing. They go simultaneously that it's like a musical for sickness.

I've just had a catch up with my ex-colleagues as another lady is leaving my company. LN is moving into running her own cafe! I'm super-excited for her.

Other than that, conversations revolved around raising kids, changing jobs,...and changing jobs. Yes, now I'm thinking again of looking for a new job.

Oh boy. Here we go again.

On one hand I'm bored of what I do and I don't see any good change coming my way. Now that we recruit more and more new faces, and break down our responsibilities, I feel more like a machine. Like, I use less and less of my brain capacity each day. Management is just...non-existence. Team spirit is dead. What else is new?

But on another hand I care about this company (I think?). I've been here for 3 years now and I know how things work. I understand our business. I know the people. The CEO knows me. And I hate the thought of starting all over again - elsewhere - just to fall into the same boredom eventually.

If only I got to do something else...
If only I got a promotion...

Ok. Enough dreaming. Let's count our blessings today...

1. I'm grateful to still be able to keep in touch with my former work mates.
2. I'm grateful that my video project is going well this morning - just need to add some music and others' contributions.
3. I'm grateful that the 34-degree day didn't turn out too badly.
4. I'm grateful that the $3.5 pair of flats feel comfortable enough to help me walk across the CBD.

God....thanks for today. I'm starting to wonder if I should seek more blessings at another place. Please set my heart in what is right. Please protect me from hesitation.

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