Wednesday 5 March 2014

Skipped a Week

Oh wow I haven't been writing for a while now. Seems like time's running faster that I don't get a chance to be bored while on the train - hence the blog.

Let's see... Yesterday after work I went to that HipHop class with Wannita. It was goooood. Sweat a bit and got a nice pat from the instructor. Woohoo!
The night before I stayed back after choir rehearsal to work on that Happy song with my conductor.

I don't think I did anything unusual on Monday..except I was looking forward to choir the next day...

That's it!

I might have lost time as I was busy getting excited to work on the song!

So last night - again - I was browsing on Youtube to find a good version of a song cover. I managed to find an accappela version, a duet version and a choir version that I liked.

The conductor hasn't responded to my two emails that showed these videos.

I must admit. He's a typical conservative Brit even though he's somewhat applying his creativity to a certain level when he creates harmony parts for our choir.

None of my ideas were taken. Yes, he did spend a few seconds listening to them but in the end he would stick to his own idea - which was simply following the original version of the song. Obviously he prefers to be in the safety zone.

I wanted more!

I had all these visions of our choir putting out an awesome performance of this song. In our awesome new version!

But it doesn't seem to be happening. Anyhow he's asked me to practice the solo part (long and repetitive!) for next week's rehearsal. I'm still excited to have the choir sing this song. I'm going to be naughty and announce that I'm looking for a solo partner.

He was never keen to open the Soloist door to everyone. I disagree with this. Having a solo role has really kept me coming to rehearsals. I'm sure others can benefit from having the same opportunity too!

With our unique voices and singing style, we can create a colorful, powerful song!

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