Wednesday 8 October 2014

The Gratitude Project

Started as a fb challenge from a friend.
Thought, why only do it for 3 days?

Let's continue FOREVER.

I'm grateful that my work day is over and I'm going to stop by the supermarket to meet my husband. We planned to cook chicken noodles for dinner. Yum!

This morning sad news approached: my friend's 5-month-old fetus died. I can't imagine what that would've felt like to a first time mother.

But I'm grateful that she survived. I'm praying that God gives them patience and wisdom, and protects them from despair.

I'm also grateful to have submitted yet another application for the internal AD role despite the unimpressive chat I had yesterday with the recruiting manager. I've spent days thinking and writing up my application so I'm so glad I got to send it in, complete with some supporting emails as evidence. Plus, my manager said he was pleased to see that I applied.

I pray that God opens a door for me to contribute my skills and make a difference in this world, with joy.

I'm grateful that the girls at work started to get excited about the company function this Friday night - because it gives them a reason to dress up! I've planned on what I'm going to wear. I'm glad that I've been prepared. I'm also grateful that BR was kind enough to offer me her place to get change. I'm glad that I wouldn't have to come alone.

Dear God. This afternoon as I finished my prayer, I realised that there's nothing You expect from us, really, except being grateful for all the things You've given us.
The list never ends.

I want to get better in this area.
I want to become...
The Gratitude Queen.

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