Tuesday 14 October 2014

GP Day Four

I'm grateful I got into this train on time - and even got a seat!

I'm grateful that I managed to find most of the things I needed to get for friends and relatives before my trip. Winter baby clothes are no longer sold in the stores but I got some thick blanket and cute reversable summer hat for DN's newborn (hoping she'll be born soon!).
I got that Adriano Zumbo brownie mix for RN which was surprisingly easy to find at the supermarket.
Oh and I got the One Direction movie for IT though was kind of embarrassed to ask aroung the store for it. It was waaay cheaper than I expected, too!
I have only got one item left to find: crochet threads (or and book?) for AK. I wonder if I'd have time to sneak into Lincraft tomorrow after work...

It feels really good to get these stuff for other people. You can pick and choose what pleases your eyes most and not having to worry whether they'd be put to a good use or not. Gifts are always exciting!

I wish I could do this more: shopping for gifts. I enjoy looking around and buying things but I don't want to have to keep or maintain them. So buying and giving gifts is PERFECT.

It's just that I don't get a lot of opportunities to do it. Our families are overseas so we keep missing out on birthdays, weddings or newborn moments.We don't celebrate Christmas so I don't go on a shopping spree during that season. The rest of the time? I simply forgot whose important moments were coming up hence didn't allow enough time to prepare the gifts.

Dear God, thank You for guiding me to the right places and the right things.
Thank You for helping me please others through a good deed of giving.
Thank You for giving me the time, energy, and money to be able to fulfill this mission.

Make me one of those people whom You love; who spend their resources to spread peace and joy to others; who can care about others; who put others' needs before theirs; who can be royal yet maintain a humble heart.

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