Sunday 12 October 2014

GP Day Three

It's Monday again.
Had a lively Friday - lots of dancey exercising at the company function.
Lazy Saturday and Sunday mornings. Thought I got to clean the house and redecorate the stair case walls with our uniformed-frame photos.

I'm grateful that this week is going to be shorter with Friday off. Yes. I'm flying out for a 3-week holiday and I can hardly wait!

I'm grateful that my manager has organised the handover training quite early, saving us all from the last minute stress.

I'm grateful that I was strong enough to throw those vanilla coated almonds away, as they gave me a bloated sensation.

I'm grateful that I got to consume my experimentally bought bunch of kale leaves. I was meant to trial making kale chips but didn't find the time in the last... two weeks! So I just boiled it hoping it's not yet poisoneous.

I'm grateful that God stopped the rain from pouring when I left my office. Though my cardigan is so not warm enough for this weather, I got to walk to the station with VK and had a nice chat about migrating to here. That really helps.

Dear God. Please help me to always be thankful to You - for that is all that we deserve to do.

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