Wednesday 9 April 2014

Rule the World

I've been analysing myself and convinced that I generally don't possess a very high level of spirit for life. I never knew what I want to in life; or what my goals are in the next few years; or what legacy I want to leave the world with.

I also noticed how I tend to be attracted to new things, new activities, yet I easily got bored and lost my appetite to keep it up.

So now I'm questioning what's going on as I recently just feel the energy to start some big projects and I just feel somehow like a different person - one who looks forward, energised with full of ideas and willingness to take action!

So let's look at these projects I have in mind at this stage:

1. Conducting a choir!

It started after I attended The Decibelles where I got a song idea for the choir: "Happy". Weeks seemed to be dragging, until I finally got my group of soloists trained. And I thought, maybe I can actually conduct a whole choir as a side job! I have now planned to check out a few different choirs to learn a thing or two from the different conductors.

2. Company presentation!

Few weeks ago I signed up for a training session conducted by our CEO on presentation skills. I thought it was alright. Yet I surprised myself! The CEO was looking for a person to present at the next Company Briefing - that is, to an audience of maybe 200 people! - and I put my hand up!!
I could hardly believe what I did but at the same time was glad I decided to face my fear of presenting in public. So I had a catch up with the CEO who gave me a great idea to work on: I will present stories of our various client universities and their relationship with our business. I've indeed been interested to know this myself!

3. Aerobics Instructor

Also few weeks ago, I got a 3-day gym trial pass at work and used it up at the gym accross the road. I loved the Body Attack session followed by Body Balance. The second time I went to Body Attack I had lost half of my motivation and I was convinced that gym membership is not for me. Though I do like working my heart beat out. So I thought why not have my own class with my own moves - surely many of my girlfriends need to exercise! So I started my first session at HY's, just the two of us :)

4. Catering business

No I still don't cook. But my husband does! He's been into this Japanese/Korean cooking and loves to cook the same thing over and over again for other people. So I started soft promoting lunchboxes to my friends at work. He's got two customers for tomorrow! and now I'm thinking of investing in cute little containers, branding, fb page etc!

Seriously. What's got into me lately.

I wonder if some people feel energised full of ideas and wants and goals throughout their whole life!

God...thank You for Your blessing...for my body, thoughts and emotions to synchronise...for the world around me to flow in the same direction as my wants...for this sense of ability and possibility...the sense of optimism and positivity... I thank You for giving me the chance to experience this state...a state I'm not familiar with...I'm asking for Your guidance...make me useful to the me become what You want me to be...

Alhamdulillaahirabbil aalamiin.

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