Friday 7 February 2014

A husband

I got up last minute for my morning prayer. As usual. Did things almost on auto pilot mode. Not good, I know. Then I did the final part which is saying Salaam to the right and to the left. That was when I saw a bundle of cloth on my bed.

What's that?

It's my PJ clothes that I'd been looking for, yesterday while doing the laundry! Apparently they were hidden underneath the bed blanket all night.

Howcome? Who made the bed yesterday?

A husband.

Of course he did. Cause I would never leave things like that under the blanket.

The thought of scolding him (again) crossed my mind. Then I gave it up. If he didn't see these things, maybe he just doesn't. No matter how many times you bring it up.

My mind took off to things I've heard in this society in general, through people's stories, friends, tv, articles, lectures etc: that men generally don't pay attention to certain details compared to women; and it makes perfect sense how wives get frustrated over their husbands over small issues around the household. In fact, I think many wives can't be bothered delegating house chores to the husbands for this very reason.

Maybe they only see the big picture.

Maybe that's why God made them as the leader in the family. They lead the family to certain direction, while the wives manage the practicality of getting there, like fixing up any mess, correcting whatever is incorrect - cause the men may not even notice these things.

Okay, well I'm not a perfect wife either. Now that I read what I wrote, maybe it's better to focus on how he has kindly helped make the bed when I didn't have time for it. And that's fine. I do take longer to get ready in the morning. Lots of details to attend to; like, are my pins inserted on the right spots to hold my headscarf right, for example. Yep.

God, forgive me for my ill thoughts about him. Help me be more grateful for his actions and decisions though they're very different from mine. For it is You who brought us together for a reason. Please make it easy for me to smile more.

especially to him.


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