Friday 25 July 2014

Ramadhan is Ending

Tonight will be the last night of this year's Ramadhan, yet I feel like I haven't achieved much. My weeks have been busy with the daily work. We still tend to go back to bed after our morning meal. These past few days I have even been arriving late to work! I still get snappy at my husband from time to time. That's probably an effect from a bad day at work. And what I mean "bad" is not usually related to any bad incidents - but merely nothing exciting happens and the day is felt utterly dull. That is, bad.

I still try to keep up with my tarawih prayers in the evening but we mostly do it at home. I occupy my mind with the conflicts in Gaza and have been having discussions with some of my Jewish friends. These just go in circle as we all rely on media sources which would always portray one side as the victim while the other is a villain.

I'm giving up on this issue. There is not much I can do to change the world but at least I've got more insights into the different perspectives on both sides.

Okay I need to go and pray Zuhur now..

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