Tuesday 23 September 2014

Focus Shift: Home Time

I am a person who tends to get bored easily, with the same routines; same people, same food; you name it. Nothing's changed at work. I answer tons of phone calls that I could now yawn and talk at the same time - unnoticed, of course.

I can't change my role, or the fact that people at work have their own cliques.

But at least I can take control of my life outside work and try to arrange my days so I could balance these things:

1. Socializing: keeping in touch with friends

2. Spiritual: attending study circles or public talks

3. Adventure/Fun: dining out, visiting the parks

4. House Chores: cleaning, cooking, fixing or sorting things out

Actually, nowadays I'm trying to lift number 4 as a higher priority - as I feel it's been ongoingly neglected. There are so many things I'd like to improve around the house, yet I've always got just enough time to do the compulsory tasks: laundry, vaccuming or cooking something healthy (after days of takeaways - which is usually the case!).

So sometime last week - or the week before (work weeks blurred into one) I read an article from a friend, which talks about what would happen if you get up TWO hours earlier each morning for the whole week.

Of course this has NOT happened to me until now.
But I found it really inspirational anyway.

These past two days I've been cooking and preparing meals after the morning prayer! It seems to work brilliantly!
This could save me from buying my lunch (which, I do enjoy every now and then); it helps me and my husband have a proper breakfast together (awesome!); and more importantly, it removes the stress when I arrive from a long, tiring day at work - because I don't have to think of what to eat (or wait for my husband to come up with something he wants to make)!

I appreciate the extra free time as a result.

So this is my new daily plan: to have my meals planned and prepared before leaving to work.

Oh! Another thing is... that I realised I don't have to always go for events that I could attend! 

I don't have to attend choir rehearsals EVERY Tuesday. 

I don't have to attend EVERY study circle each week.

I don't have to check out EVERY cultural event Melbourne has to offer. 

I don't have to hang out EVERY Friday night.

I don't have to think of an event EVERYTIME I have some spare time!

All I have to do is to have a handy list of the things I want to do (but not urgent) to fill those free times. 

Like tonight!

I've got crunchy pasta dinner sorted out, and skipped choir this week; so that I have some time to fix my childhood photos colage that has turned upside down through time.

So this is how people manage their time to do the things they want to do!

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