Wednesday 11 June 2014

Winners Announced

At the end of today, the management team finally announced the people who were successful in their internal job application. The Manager Student Success roles were not new - I'm sure everybody saw the two persons would eventually fill in the roles, and the rest of Managers are old school senior staff members. So that was fine.

Now for the 5 AD roles - one which I had applied for and not even been given a chance for interview/presentation - this was where my curiosity fell. One by one the "winners" were announced , most of them had been working closely with SS, who'd be in charge of the new AD team!


On one hand I was surprised, looking at those relatively new and young (inexperienced!) faces who got selected. On the other hand, it seemed dull that they opened the door to EVERYONE on the floor to apply yet probably from the beginning it was always SS who controlled over the selection process; and of course, she'd pick people in her own team. How would she know much about how others have performed, right?

It's not fair.
But this is reality.

Back to the train conversation with Aaron, managers have limited range of attention so it's a matter of how you make a big deal of what you've achieved. In other words, you gotta sell yourself up to your manager.

Now I could see how easy it is to forget who your true God is, when this "Manager" figure plays such an important and immediate role in your career success and professional achievements! No wonder there are office politics everwhere. No wonder people are two-faced and trying hard to impress their managers.

But again, managers are simply human beings with limited knowledge. Their decision could easily be influenced by anything outside your control. The facts can be all the same, but the interpretation is the key. They can think of your behavior as outstanding...or lacking. As amazing...or annoying. It's all subjective.
And who controls the heart of human beings?



It crossed my mind a few times; how I deserve a bigger opportunity; how I have more potentials than what's applicable to my current situation; how I haven't been "managed" properly to unleash my talents; and ultimately that it's time for me to look for a "better job".

But now there's been a new perspective. I don't suffer from low finances - so I don't long for a higher paying job. I don't suffer from mean people or work stress - so I don't need to quit. I want to eventually grow and develop a new life in my family - so I don't need to stress about climbing the career ladder.

All I have to do is to find and manage my motivation and take any opportunity that comes by. God knows exactly what I need and He will give it to me at the right time. I just need to sit back, relax, and try to become a better person each day.

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