Wednesday 30 December 2015

GP Day Thirty - Hajj Reflection

In the midst of caring for my two-month-old baby I found myself staring at my prayer mat which had an image of the Masjid il Haram of Mecca. My mind started to replay the fascinating journey my husband and I took on two years ago, performing our Hajj (pilgrimage).

Why is it that each of us is required to perform Hajj at least once in our life time...?

As I pondered, I remembered the many life-changing experiences told by others who'd done it.

How about me... What was it that I was supposed to take with me when I returned from Hajj...

Was it the excitement of entering the worlds' most magnificent Masjids?
Was it the interesting observation of the local customs?
Or was it the lovely friendships built within the group?

My mind quickly revisited the main activities involved in the Hajj itself.

Being within an area called Arafah, at certain time, is so paramount that without it the Hajj wouldn't be valid.

Now I remember....!

Something very intense and unexpected happened to me there. As I was about to read my long list of wishes to ask from God, I was hit by a sudden, huge realisation of God's blessings and generosity throughout my whole life - until this moment when I stood at that very spot, in Arafah.
It was so overwhelming that tears were pouring out.

I remembered standing there with a small damp towel in my hand.

Now that the year of my Hajj had passed, I'd gone back to my ungrateful self. Despite being blessed with a baby, I'd been frustrated and busy asking God to make things easier for me.

I simply forgot about my special moment in Arafah.

God, all praise to You. Lord of the Worlds.

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