Tuesday 16 June 2015

GP Day Twenty Five - does he like me?

"Hey you both work at the same uni; might as well ask him to have lunch together or something.."

"Well...I don't know if he even wants to."

"But he likes you, right? I mean you guys spent the night together and all that."

"I don't know. Maybe he just wanted the sex.."

"Aww. Why did you agree to that?"

"Cause I liked him.."


This Western version of relationship building is really doing my head in.
How could you meet someone for the first time, talk for hours and slept over at his place...BUT didn't even ask for each other's numbers NOR find out how you feel for each other?

She's now left in limbo. If she initiates their facebook conversation, she'd come out as desperate. If she waits until he initiates anything, she'd be stuck in the guess work.

It's tricky. It's weird. It's awkward.

And I'm truly grateful that I haven't found myself in such situation. Ever.

In my world, you meet someone, you get his number, you hang out - maybe for years! - then you get married, THEN you sleep together.

I am grateful to be blessed with a good man as my husband. He may not be creative or funny or popular or have this 100% mind connection with me... but he is patient, hardworking, always willing to help, to care, even to put my needs over his. Above all, he has faith in God.

I pray that people will come to their senses when it comes to relationships. I pray that men would respect the girls - and maybe more importantly, that the girls respect their own worth and dignity. Amen.

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